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Hostis herodes impie 1 PDF 42Kb

An EECM-sponsored workshop led by John Harper investigated the interaction between organs and voices during the 2014 Med-Ren conference at Birmingham.  As part of this the Binchois Consort (dir. Andrew Kirkman) sang Sheppard's setting of the abecedarian Epiphany hymn, Hostis herodes impie, with polyphony and organ versets in alternation. The Epiphany was perhaps the high point of the royal ritual year at the Tudor court, for which Sheppard almnost certainly composed his hymn.

As part of this investigation the Binchois Consort sang from a 'fakesimile' choirbook in which Sheppard's polyphony was typeset in choirbook format but using commercial music setting software.  Researchers and singers interested in using choirbook format, but in modern notation, are welcome to downloadable and use the PDFs found here.  If you have comments, queries, or feedback arising from your own use of these materials, please contact

The first opening. This is designed to be printed on two A3 sheets.

Hostis herodes impie 2 PDF 47Kb

Second opening.